At Berkemer Law our goal is to help clients find a way to resolve their problems without appearing in court, or to minimize the time and money that is invested in court appearances. However, with over forty years of trial experience, we will vigorously defend the rights of clients in court when it cannot be avoided.
At Berkemer Law our areas of practice include family law, probate law, estate planning and civil litigation, including injury and insurance cases. Frederick L. Berkemer has obtained a jury verdict in excess of $625,000.00 against an insurer that offered his client $10,000.00. He also has won verdicts for seniors on Social Security being sued by credit card companies. He has made thousands of appearances in probate court and domestic court.
Feel free to call us at Berkemer Law if you have problems that require dealing with the court system. We will give you a free phone consultation and an office conference for a nominal fee. Our goal is to minimize your anxiety and financial distress.

One of the best services we can offer potential clients is referrals to other attorneys with expertise in areas of the law that are not part of our practice. We do not charge a fee for reviewing cases with potential clients and then making a referral to an attorney with experience in that area of law. With over forty years of appearing in Franklin County courts Fred Berkemer knows a wide range of attorneys with different areas of expertise. It is a far better way of finding an attorney than an internet search.